Pins are fun themed collectibles that you can either wear on your person or collect! You can obtain pins from a Pin Pack, with most being tied to a certain Pin Series! Collect them all, or get just specific ones that have meaning to you!
To view all pins possible to obtain from Pin Packs, use /pins
How Do Pins Work?
To obtain pins, you first should seek out a Pin Trader NPC, as they'll sell you Pin Packs. You can find them all around the parks, but some places you can go to for quick Pin Trader NPCs is the Emporium in Main Street, U.S.A., Westward Ho Pin Traders in Frontierland, and Star Trader in Tomorrowland.
Pin Traders do not sell individual pins but Pin Packs, which give you two random pins from the Series they belong to. If you're searching for a pin in particular, you can also search the user marketplace to buy one from another player.

Pins can be collected into your Pinbook for safe keeping! You can view this by either Right Click
ing with a Pinbook item in hand, or by using /pinbook
. You can Right Click
to automatically send a pin to your Pinbook, or you can manually place it in, which is helpful if you're replacing a pin for another version of it. The Pinbook tracks how many pins of a Series you own, which is helpful for those looking to collect them all. Of note, any pins that are not tied to a Series (such as quest or event pins) cannot be placed in the Pinbook.
Pins can be worn on your avatar by holding them in your main or open hand. Right Click
ing while holding a pin, even if it is in your off hand, will send it to your Pinbook, so keep that in mind.
If you have pins you don't want, you can resell them on the user marketplace, or trade them with the elusive Pinhoarder.
Pin Stats

Upon opening a Pin Pack, both pins will have a series of stats randomly applied to them! This can make them more unique or valuable!
Original Owner
When a pin's stats are generated, it also documents who it was who opened the Pin Pack in the first place. This way, when you trade with other players or put them on the marketplace, they'll know where who originally owned it!
Pin Rarity
A pin's Rarity affects it possible unboxing rate from Pin Packs. As such, Signature and Deluxe pins can be difficult to find compared to Common pins! Likewise, this also means that rarer pins will go for more on the marketplace.
Not all Pin Series have pins with higher rarities.
This is not the same as Pinhoarder's rarity system and prices. For information on that, click here.
Pin Condition
The Condition of a pin is meant to represent how it might physically look, between brand new and worn out. This does not reflect on the pin's in-game apperance and is only flavor text. Those really into pin collecting and trading try to collect a whole Series of Brand New Mint Condition pins! As such, the better the Condition, the higher price it may go for on the marketplace.
Well Kept is generally the most common Condition to find a pin in. Brand New Mind Condition is the rarest Condition. These rarities may differ between Pin Series.
Pin Series
A Pin Series is a set of various pins with a specific theme, usually Disney-related. However, some Series, such as the Animal Crossing or Avatar: The Last Airbender sets, are not unique to Disney properties!
List of Pin Series

The following are the various Pin Sets of which you can purchase Pin Packs for around the parks. Some pins are not a part of any sets, and cannot be placed in your Pinbook.
Pack Pricing
Each series is privvy to a color-based pricing system. The name of the Pin Series/Pin Pack will be in this color.
Pin Series
Series marked with [X] cannot be purchased from a Pin Trader NPC and can only be obtained during certain events or on the user marketplace.
- Amphibia Mini-Series — 8 Pins, based on Disney Channel show Amphibia
- Animal Crossing Series — 64 Pins, based on Nintendo video game series Animal Crossing
- Autopia License #1 Series — 17 Pins, based on ImagineFun character/staff members' Autopia driver licenses
- Avatar: The Last Airbender Element Series — 5 Pins, based on Nickelodeon show Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Character Popsicles Series #1 — 12 Pins, based on real-world pinset of Disney character themed popsicles
- Conversation Hearts — 8 Pins, based on chalk Valentine's Day candies
- Country Series #1 — 33 Pins, based on real-world pinset of country flag-themed Mickey heads
- EPCOT Pavilion Series 1 — 14 Pins, based on EPCOT Center pavilion logos
- Haunted Mansion Holiday Tarot Cards Series — 10 Pins, based on Haunted Mansion Holiday-themed tarot cards
- ImagineFun Citizen Stockings Series — 16 Pins, based on ImagineFun character and staff Christmas stockings
- Katie & Stacy's Pride Hearts— 14 Pins, based on ImagineFun characters and pride flag hearts
- Kingdom of Cute Series #1 — 10 Pins, based on real-world pinset of cutesy Disney park iconography
- Marvel Emblem Series #1 — 14 Pins, based on Marvel character/group logos
- Mickey Pin Series #1 — 15 Pins, based on real-world pinset of Disney character-themed Mickey heads
- Monorail Series #1 — 7 Pins, based on real-world pinset of Disneyland Monorail trains
- Owl House Character Series — 17 Pins, based on Disney Channel show The Owl House characters
- Owl House Coven Series — 10 Pins, based on Disney Channel show The Owl House logos
- Past and Present Attractions Series #1 — 16 Pins, based on various Disney park attractions
- Past and Present Attractions Series #2 — 16 Pins, based on various Disney park attractions
- Pride Series — 12 Pins, based on pride flag-themed Mickey heads
- Puffle Series 1 — 11 Pins, based on defunct video game Club Penguin
- Star Wars Emblem Series #1 — 9 Pins, based on Star Wars faction logos
- Stormtrooper Helmet Series — 20 Pins, based on Star Wars helmets
- Summer Lollipop Series 2020 — 6 Pins, based on Mickey head-shaped lollipops
- Theme Park YouTuber Series 1 — 12 Pins, based on theme park YouTube channel logos
- Tsum Tsum Holiday Series 1 — 10 Pins, based on holiday-themed Tsum Tsums
- Tsum Tsum Series 1 — 12 Pins, based on character-themed Tsum Tsums